program DETAILS

Read about our morning and afternoon program activities!




HOURS // 7-8:30am

LOCATION // Jefferson, ROOSEVELT, Susan B. Anthony + Washington ELEMENTARY School

For families that need childcare in the morning, we have an early bird program, called “Before-the-Bell”. Students are dropped off in the morning and placed in our care before their school day begins. Children are encouraged to bring a nutritious breakfast from home to eat in the morning during breakfast time. Sharing the first meal of the day together provides a great opportunity for students to make friends with their peers in the morning program.


HOURS // 3-6Pm

LOCATION // Roosevelt Elementary school

For families that need childcare in the afternoon and early evening, we provide an “After School” program. Relaxation and playtime make up the majority of our afternoon activities.  Students may participate in hands-on activities such as arts + crafts, board games, game room time with friends and outdoor playground time. Students are encouraged to bring a nutritious snack from home to eat during snack-time. Time is provided for both homework and snack in our after school program.



Arts & Crafts , Board Games, Game Room, Gym, Homework, Movie Day, Outdoor Sports, Playground + Snack Time!


How to register

How, When & What to Do



STEP 01 // SUBMIT the contract and $40 registration fee

Submit your completed contract along with any documentation that you wish to provide.

STEP 02 // Read the Policy handbook and learn THE RULES

All parents and students are required to follow the policies and procedures of our program.

STEP 03 // make the first tuition payment by the due date

Payment is due prior to attending our program. Simply mail in or drop off by the due date.


ARE YOU Ready to register?